VE Day. 8 May 2020. The 75th Anniversary.
VE Day.
The famous ’V’ sign so often attributable to Winston Churchill did in fact originate in occupied Belgium as a sign of defiance against the invaders. It was banned by the Germans, but still appeared everywhere you could scribble a V.
Our village had planned a street party and still had it socially isolated in our front gardens.
The South Holmwood Street Party. (Socially distanced).
Vera Lynn: We’ll meet again
D-Day Darlings: Pack up your troubles
Vera Lynn: Bluebirds
Bud Flanagan: Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler
It’s a Long Way to Tipperary
The Zillertal Band: Auf Wiedersehen
Mike and the cake he had made that morning. Very nice too. For a party made for two. Apart, that is, from what seemed like most of the village walking by… socially distanced.
Vera Lynn: A Nightingale sang in Berkeley Square
And to East Preston in Sussex… Here is Andrew’s family VE Day celebrations.
Lighting a Candle for Diddley
It was a special day, wasn’t it? So lovely to spend time celebrating with other people in the sunshine socially distanced!
Great record of the day and the time…
such lovely sunshine