Hidden London: The Kingsway Tram Tunnel

Posted on 03/10/2021 By

Kingsway Tram Tunnel


Hidden London Roundel

Northern entrance to Kingsway Tram Tunnel.

The Kingsway Tram Tunnel today.

“I have done something nobody else here today has!” (more…)


Morning Glory

Posted on 25/09/2021 By

Bertie admiring a blue Morning Glory flower.

“There’s thirty one this morning, Bobby. That’s a record.”

So said Diddley, who absolutely adored the flowers of Morning Glory. Not just for their transient beauty, but also their unusual lifestyle. Flowering profusely, if time and conditions were right, but dying by mid-afternoon. The new buds for the next day readying themselves for their glorious moment in the sun just a few hours later. (more…)


The Church in the Farmyard

Posted on 19/09/2021 By

Wisley Church

Wisley Church

You know how we love Wisley Gardens. Like the other week, when we just came to the gardens for an al fresco Al-Anon meeting. Read a book. Americano. With milk and shortbread. And, last week, a flower show as well! Luvverly. (more…)



Posted on 12/09/2021 By

Bertie sat on an outside table wearing his Sutton United scarf.

Bobby does not collect tickets. He doesn’t collect anything with alacrity.

Bobby: “Blimey! Where did that come from?”

Bertie: “Oxford Concise.” (more…)

MemoriesRailway Journeys    

Fantasy and Illusion

Posted on 04/09/2021 By

Peter, Bob and Phil.

Three friends. Two civil engineers. One teddy bear lover. Peter, Bob, Phil.

As we left the busy A3 at the RHS Wisley junction, we immediately became aware of the volume of traffic heading into the gardens. The long patient queue of people at the entrance, including lots of young children, only added to the illusion that this was a good idea. A horticultural version of Brighton Beach on a Bank Holiday. (more…)


Lighting a Candle for Diddley (and for Peter)

Posted on 29/08/2021 By

Lighting a Candle

Lighting a Candle: Headshot of Diddley. Underneath, words from a Leonard Cohen song - "There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in".

Diane Ball (nee Solomon). (Diddley)
19 August 1950 – 23 August 2015.



Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace

Posted on 22/08/2021 By

Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace

They’re changing the guard at Buckingham Palace.
Bobby and Bertie didn’t take Alice.
Whose Alice?



Just Four Days

Posted on 15/08/2021 By

A Cornish Pasty from the Phat Pasty Co. Top picture on the blog "Just Four Days".

Bobby: “Bertie! Our revered Technical Director, Tim, has made an observation. As he cruises serenely along the waterways of England in his canal boat, ‘Sola Gratia‘ with Tracey and the doggies, he notices things.” (more…)

FootballLaurie LeeMindful    

Three Little Boys

Posted on 08/08/2021 By

Once upon a time there were Three Little Boys. Jason, Jay and Bobby

Jason, Jay & Bobby.

Jason is tiny and not yet two. Jay is little and nearly six. Bobby is huge and nearly 78. Jason doesn’t say much. He wouldn’t yet, would he? Thinks a lot. Jay is the live-wire that Bobby was told he was when he was Jay’s age. Bobby has never grown up and talks too much. (more…)



Posted on 01/08/2021 By

Many of our stories are written straight off the cuff and are then refined. Changed a little. Sometimes, the final version is quite different to the original idea. On rare occasions, where a lot of emotion is involved, it seems best to just write it while the state of mind exists and just tidy up the grammar.

Trigger was written on a phone sitting on a stile by a railway line. Tears splashed off the phone as the emotions got the better of him. Numerous mistypes have been corrected, but otherwise this is exactly what he wrote sitting on that stile.


Roy Rogers on Trigger.

Roy Rogers on Trigger.

