Railway Children 2021

Posted on 08/12/2021 By

Railway Children Logo: Fighting for Street Children

Railway Children 2021

Dear Friends of Mindfully Bertie. Each year we post an extra story about our chosen charity. Railway Children. We hope you will read last year’s and the charity’s website this year and contribute if you feel able to do so. (more…)


This Service is Cancelled

Posted on 05/12/2021 By

(Includes Landscape Photographer of the Year).

Two coaches of a Southern Railway train covered in graffiti. Service cancelled due to an incident.

The train was an art gallery too.

This service is Cancelled

This service is cancelled. There has been an incident at West Croydon. Please leave the train and return to the concourse.”

We all did as we were were told, apart from one chap in the corner with noise reduction headphones who had to be tapped on the shoulder to join the real world. (more…)

BusesMindfulRailway JourneysTowns and Cities    

A Tribute to Rosemary

Posted on 27/11/2021 By


Rosemary holding Bertie.


Bobby’s mobile phone rarely rings away from Laurel Cottage. His endless communication with the rest of the world being by all those other means at our disposal now. So when it rings it is usually important. Just twice in fact in nearly three months. Both, by coincidence, while sitting in the sunshine at the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Wisley Gardens. (more…)

HolidaysMindfulNational TrustPembrokeshire    

I Have a Dream

Posted on 21/11/2021 By

"Here is the dreamcatcher," he said. "Every day I is going out and snitching new dreams to put in my bottles." (From the Big Friendly Giant.

Bobby: “I have a dream.”

Bertie: “Do you keep it in a jar?” (more…)


Parham: When the Americans came to Suffolk

Posted on 14/11/2021 By


Parham Airfield Museum.

Parham Airfield Museum.

Bertie: “You OK, Bobby? You look a bit Uncle Dick!”

Bobby: “Cream crackered Bertie. The buses and Sutton United yesterday were brilliant, but I’m knackered.” (more…)


The Treasures of Sutton Hoo

Posted on 06/11/2021 By

Sutton Hoo

Bobby stood on top of the burial mound of one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time. The marvellous tour guide was ending her tour of the Royal Burial Mounds to the gathering by asking “Does anyone know where the treasures of Sutton Hoo were kept during the war?”

Naturally, he responded: “I do. I’ve been there. Aldwych Underground station. Disused tunnels. In fact, if you look at the London Transport Museum website, you will find they have just restarted tours – including one of Aldwych disused underground station. 160 steps down and the lift hasn’t worked for years.”

How Aldwych saved Sutton Hoo:


MindfulNational Trust    

The Man Who Talks Too Much

Posted on 31/10/2021 By

Black and white photo of Bobby (The Man Who Talks Too Much) & Bertie on Diddley's Bench.

Bobby talks too much. Everybody says so. He gets on their nerves. And his own. Wears them out. Bores them silly. Causes them to drive by. Cross the road. Hide. Anything to avoid him. Not because they don’t like him. Probably. But simply they haven’t got the time or patience for his incessant chatter. (more…)


The 93 Bus

Posted on 24/10/2021 By

RT1 displaying service 93 to Dorking.

RT1. The most iconic and oldest bus at the event. Built 1939.

Bertie: “Bobby? What’s a heritage bus running day?”

Bobby: “It’s when a group organises a bus service on a particular route using old fashioned buses. They run to a timetable and mingle with the modern buses. You could be waiting at a bus stop and a 70 year old bus turn up and you just jump on. Free – there will be a bus conductor in old fashioned uniform ding-a-linging to stop and start the bus. Help you on. Just as they did when I was young.” (more…)


That Bleedin Dog

Posted on 17/10/2021 By

Sid and Jack early 60s.

Sid and Jack early 60s.

Bobby loved his old Dad Sid, and was heartbroken when he died on Christmas Day 1969. As we described in ‘Alf Garnett‘, he was an unforgettable character whose expressions live on in Bobby’s memory to this very day. And, we are told, he has recreated some of those memories in me. A teddy bear with a Sarf London accent. (more…)



Posted on 10/10/2021 By

“I’ve bought you a book, Bobby” said Diddley one day in 2013.

“A Street Cat Named Bob”. I only bought it because I like the name!”

Front cover of the book "A Street Cat Named Bob" by James Bowen.

