78 Plus One – The Next Day

Posted on 09/02/2022 By

78 Plus One

Gravestone of Elizabeth, wife of Paton Sutherland, who died 17 December 1885.

Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

They woke in the Brick Lane Hub the day after his birthday (“78 plus one“), with the music of the Drifters still ringing in their ears.

The Drifters “Under the Boardwalk”. (more…)


78 and All That

Posted on 06/02/2022 By

Bertie holding an "Only Fols and Horses - The Musical" Programme.

Bertie: “Did you have a nice birthday, Bobby?”

Bobby: “Bonnet de douche, Bertie.” (Excellent) (more…)


Bobby and the 43 Steps

Posted on 30/01/2022 By

43 Steps

Drawing by Kate Green. Leaves and a face.

When great friend and resident artist Kate heard about Bobby’s ’43 steps’ challenge (see below), she was reminded of a favourite Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem. And also delighted us with this artwork. Especially for this story.


MindfulPSTrees and Nature    

The Bench at Diddley’s View

Posted on 23/01/2022 By

The Bench

Bertie sat on the bench admiring Diddley's Bench.

Five years ago, 17 January 2017, we welcomed something very special into our lives. The Bench. Since then it has become central to our lives. A place of pilgrimage to remember Diddley. Becoming in effect ‘Diddley’s Bench’ at ‘Diddley’s View’. (more…)

MemoriesMindfulThe Bench    

Daphne on Battlestone Hill

Posted on 15/01/2022 By


If you have ‘Smellovision’, you are in luck, for this is the most highly scented blog we have ever written.

White flowers of a Daphne. (more…)


A Message from Oakley the Guide Dog

Posted on 08/01/2022 By

A Message from Over the Rainbow Bridge

Oakley the Guide Dog


Hi, this is a message from Oakley the Guide Dog (retired) from the never-ending carrot patch. I am the happiest pupster ever here! I know I left a lot of leaky eyes back in life-as-you-all-know-it, but you just have to know it is a million times better here! I wish I could come to slurp your eye-drips away, but I’ll have to leave all my fellow left-behind pup-pals to do that on my behalf. Yesterday, 8 January, would have been my 11th Birthday. But now I am not getting any older! (more…)

Guest Writer    

A Perfect Day

Posted on 02/01/2022 By

Perfect Day

This story started as ‘Coming Home’. Then became ‘How Important is it?’. Almost declared at ‘People’. But definitely rests now at ‘Perfect Day‘.



Merry Christmas from Laurel Cottage 2021

Posted on 24/12/2021 By

Merry Christmas

All the team by the tree to wish you all a "Merry Christmas 2021".

“I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”


Bertie: “Bobby … Can you tell us a story?” (more…)


There is No Such Thing as ‘Never’

Posted on 18/12/2021 By


Bertie and Bobby looking at each other. Never say Never.

Bertie: “There is no such thing as ‘Never’, Bobby. I told you that in 2015, when you vowed to never go back to the Royal Opera House (ROH).”

Bobby: “And I really meant it, Bertie. Years of wonderful memories had all been ruined in my eyes by the fateful night of 27 January 2014. Not ruined by Diddley, but by alcoholism. I would never go again ever. You need to read the story “The Ballet” to understand exactly why.” (more…)


Finding “Serenity”

Posted on 12/12/2021 By

A Robin, who Bobby has named "Serenity".

This little Robin Redbreast is hereby christened ‘Serenity‘. Over twenty four minutes on Holmwood Common he transported Bobby to another world. A world where nothing mattered. No anxiety. No tribulations. No expectations. No exhortations. Nothing but serenity. For twenty four minutes. The time between the first and last photographs. (more…)

Betty BoopBobby 2CarsCountrysideDiddleyLittle White VanMindfulnessPSWildlife