The Glory of the Garden
The Garden
“Well, Bobby. This is our first weekend without football for months. We are off to Wembley next weekend, but today we had a committee meeting and a party in London. Both cancelled due to Covid. The weather is forecast to be glorious. Why don’t we go somewhere beautiful. Somewhere to lift our spirits. Somewhere to experience the glory of an English garden. How about the garden at Nymans?”
And so we did. (more…)
From Gander Green Lane to Wembley
From Gander Green Lane to Wembley we came. 15,000 to support Sutton United. The minnows of the Football League. The culmination of a fairytale story of two year’s success against all the odds. Win or lose, didn’t matter. We were playing at Wembley for the first time in 41 years. Back then, as a non league amateur team. (more…)
April is Stress Awareness Month
Stress Awareness

Van Gogh and Bobby have one thing in common (see footnote).
Bertie: “So, you have taken on a new job Bobby! Is that wise, given your history of anxiety (GAD)?” (more…)
Dennis the Menace or Dan Dare
Dennis the Menace or Dan Dare

Who would YOU rather be?
Bobby has been both, in other people’s imagination. I am only telling you this because his own imagination went AWOL at Somerset House the other week. Suddenly he was twelve again. Living in the comic world of the 1950s. A time of rivalry between numerous publications and who read them. And why. Each selling well over a million copies a week. (more…)
“Let’s do it!”
“Let’s do it!”

“Home sweet home. I like it here. Nice place to bring kids up!”
“We haven’t got any.”
Follow that Dream
What ever will be will be
We’re going to Wembley
Que sera sera
Que sera sera
What ever will be will be
We’re going to Wembley
Que sera sera”
Introducing Bewick the Bear
Bewick the Bear
We are delighted to announce that Mindfully Bertie has a new bear. Bewick the Bear.
He is very special, being a limited edition Merrythought bear created to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Wildlife and Wetlands Trust (WWT). Known originally as the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. (more…)
Four go to Swift’s Hill
Swift’s Hill

Swift’s Hill last summer.
Bertie: “Gordon Bennett, Bobby! It’s chucking it down; the roads are flooded; you can only see out of one eye and we are driving to Swift’s Hill. One thing is certain. I am not going up that bleedin hill with you. It will ruin my mohair!” (more…)
78 and Fulham
78 and Fulham

Fulham v Blackpool 29 January 2022.
Being greedy, Bobby celebrated his 78th Birthday for four whole days. The theatre; South Bank; the theatre; Brick Lane; The Cemetery. And finally – a special treat. Going back to his first love to watch a big football match. (more…)