Ty Dwr

Posted on 11/11/2020 By

Bertie sat on the post of a gate to Ty Dwr.

Back in 1982, Bobby was told of a cottage that could be hired on the Gower Peninsular. A friend of a friend knew an affluent family who owned their own holiday cottage and hired it to friends and those who could be trusted. It was still the family’s main holiday destination. The cottage was called Ty Dwr, which means Water House in Welsh. (more…)


YMCA… A Tribute

Posted on 07/11/2020 By

YMCA East Surrey Annual Review 2020

YMCA East Surrey Annual Review 2020

The full review is available here and we urge you to read it. The YMCA really is a marvellous power for good in the community. (more…)


A Wet and Windy Weekend

Posted on 05/11/2020 By

Wet and Windy

Wet and Windy


Bertie looking out of the window on a wet and windy day.

Bertie: “Cor blimey, Bobby. It’s chucking it down out there!”

Bobby: “I’m still going walking, Bertie.”

Bertie: “You must be bleedin’ mad!” (more…)


Wisley Titbits.

Posted on 01/11/2020 By

Where once we charged all over the place: Up to London, to the cinema, to the theatre, the BFI, St Martin’s in the Fields, riding on our senior railcard, luxuriating with our free bus pass – we now realise that many pleasures open to us over many years have been neglected due to the absence of time.

Many people are realising that their memberships of numerous organisations may well give them “free access” throughout the year. Those membership cards were there, but way down the “to do” list until now. For us, the RHS at Wisley Gardens are now a weekly visit. Apart from half term, when it was fully booked in advance. So we still went in the pouring rain to buy spring bulbs. The shops are, of course, outside garden entry. (more…)


Covid-19 Guided Walk for One. Number 8: Gower. Rhossili to Mewslade Bay.

Posted on 28/10/2020 By

Gower. Rhossili to Mewslade Bay.

And so we finally got to the Gower. Driving west from Swansea as far as you could go to beautiful Rhossili. Memories of the early eighties came flooding back. The weather was glorious and we decide to do the simple walk to Mewslade Bay that we had done half a life time ago.

The walk starts in the National Trust car park at Rhossili.

Map of the Gower Peninsula and the walk to Mewslade Bay. (more…)

IslandsNational TrustPembrokeshire    

Rolls-Royce Young Designer Competition – The Results

Posted on 25/10/2020 By

The Results

Rolls-Royce Young Designer Competition - The Results

Back in April, Andrew announced this very special competition. (more…)


Emmylou Harris

Posted on 21/10/2020 By

Memories of California

Emmylou Harris

Emmylou Harris (more…)


Conceptulution, Evolution, Revolution, Bertielution.

Posted on 18/10/2020 By


Evolution? Close up of Bertie & Bobby wearing their Face Masks.

When we attended the Gentle Author’s course in Spitalfields in 2016, we had no idea about blogging. The course was entitled “How to write a blog that people will want to read”. For us, we felt a need to express ourselves. A desire to honour the memory of Diddley. To have fun. We had a big gap in our lives to fill. Whether or not people wanted to read it was never the primary motive. It was not, and never will be, an ego trip. But we are only human, and we love to hear if you do like the stories. (more…)


Breakfast at the Bluebird Café

Posted on 13/10/2020 By

The Bluebird Café. Ferring-by-Sea.

The Bluebird Café. Ferring-by-Sea.

Bertie: “Bobby, what are we doing today?”

Bobby: “We are going to Andrew’s. Morris the Mechanic is servicing the car’s brakes.” (more…)


When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano.

Posted on 10/10/2020 By

They left Huntingdon Beach (Surf City USA) on a glorious morning to drive south down the Pacific Coast Highway. It was the last day of a week exploring the California Coast in the middle of a three week holiday with friends Dave and Mar. Old schoolfriends of Diddley’s, who had settled in California years before. Cruising in their rental Chevy, playing the Beach Boys.

The rental Chevy and Diddley.

The rental Chevy and Diddley.

