Landscape Photographer of the Year 2018.

Landscape Photographer of the Year 2018.
As we mentioned last week, this Landscape Photographer of the Year exhibition is on the balcony at Waterloo Station until 3 February. The last time we were there it was attracting a lot of attention. In the past, it was held upstairs in the National Theatre. This is the third year at Waterloo, and is we feel a superb location for attracting a cosmopolitan audience. This blog shows just a few of our favourites. Yours may well be quite different. The descriptions are really interesting in what has gone into producing such pictures and with what equipment…

Landscape Photographer of the Year – Waterloo Station.

Will Milner: The Daymark, Brixham, Devon, England.

Richard Smith: Vertex, Telacre Lighthouse, North Wales.

Leigh Dorey: Spring Greens, North Dorset, England.

Justin Minns: Happisburgh Lighthouse, Norfolk, England.

Mick Blakey: Fisherman on the Rocks in Strong Westerly Winds, Porth Nanven, Cornwall, England.

Edd Allen: Collide, Newhaven, East Sussex, England.

Marie Davey: Field of Red, Houghton, West Sussex, England.

Robin Jones: Ash Tree in Old Sulehay Forest, Northamptonshire, England.

Nicky Goodfellow: Beauty in Decay, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Chris Gorman: Low Clouds Drift across Beachy Head, East Sussex, England.

Jeff Overs: St Paul’s Cathedral crowned by the Blue ‘Super’ Moon of January 2018, London, England.
This is Bobby’s favourite for the simple reason that he was there that night on Waterloo Bridge. There were a lot of photographers with very posh gear just waiting for the moon to pass behind the cross. There by chance, but not having the equipment anyway to capture the scene. Reading the description, the photographer still needed real skill to develop this image.
And this Landscape Photographer exhibition is free!
DISCOMBOBULATED… is something many have experienced! Duncan Barkes used the term after his epic interview with Bobby on Winnie the Pooh Day on Radio London. To be honest, we hadn’t heard the term before and had to check the Oxford Concise and there it was. If you would like to be discombobulated too, here is the interview:
Starts at 2.24.00 in. Make sure you listen to the summing up by Duncan. This is iPlayer and only available for twenty eights days.
Ha ha ha ha, it’s made his day!
Lighting a Candle to Diddley.

Or, indeed, a sparkler!
Happy New Year.
Thinking of Granny. And Diddley.
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love the sparkler for Diddley
She would have loved it. But hardly recognised Layla . From 9 to 13 is a long way upwards