
I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart so long.
If we are in each other’s dreams we can be together all the time.
Winnie the Pooh

HRH the Countess of Wessex’s dream is an important one. She seeks to protect children from the many dangers that they now face via the Internet. “The Internet can offer great benefits, but it is imperative that we shelter the most precious thing we have, our children, from the online presences that threaten to destroy their innocence and happiness. These online dangers are as real as any physical ones and it is our duty to shield young people and keep their dreams safe”.
This week, we meet our first grandchild. Kyla May. She is very loveable. She is very naughty too. Whenever she is very naughty she is very loveable……..afterwards. As the youngest and smallest, she gets picked on by the others. Usually followed by war. We all love her being her. Most of the time. She reminds Bobby of Diddley. He is BFG. Many children have said it over the years. Even his old mum had a hand in it. “He was a war baby that’s why his ears stick out….”

Kyla May
When we heard there was a new BFG film in town, we wanted to see it. At the IMAX at Waterloo. Biggest screen in Britain for the Big Friendly Giant. Even when he decided to eat Kyla May she thought it very funny. At 6’6″ he is BIG. He is so friendly that Diddley told everyone when they first met she had avoided him because he talked too much. But GIANT? Depends on your imagination. He can waggle his ears and hear things he shouldn’t…….

“BFG” eating Kyla May!
She certainly does look like her granny. Has her feisty ways and a “who do you think you are?” expression. The following double picture is of them at the same age:

Diddley & Kyla May

Diddley & Kyla May
And so we came to Dream Jar day

South West Trains were …… on time!

“Believe in the extraordinary”
Olympic athletes’ dreams and successes.

“Sweet Dreams”
Steven Spielberg dreaming of big bags of sweets when he was young and dreaming big when older

At the IMAX, all ready for 3D BFG

“For the love of animals”
Simon Cowell dreaming of protection for animals

“The Mayors Dream”
Sadiq Khan

“For the love of the Hedgehog”

“The Open Dream”
Golfer Justin Rose dreaming of winning golf
(He did .. The Olympics)

Hot work chasing dream jars

Ryan McElhinney
Dreaming of safety for children
And that was that. Too dark to see! But, what a wonderful, lively place the South Bank is on a warm summer’s evening. School holidays. Get up late next day. A wonderland of lights, music. And a whole lot of fun for Kyla May and her very own BFG. And me, of course. I got a lot of attention. Particularly when people found out that I was BFG’s bear, not Kyla May’s.
So, did you enjoy it Kyla May? Ooooh yes. But the cartoon BFG had one thing extra and here it is:

Lighting a candle for Diddley.
We have our very first contributing candle lighters.
Hello Bertie.
Marie, Giselle and Daisy-Mae (and Andrew) each lit a candle for ‘Granny Di’ at the wonderful Chichester Cathedral (www.chichestercathedral.org.uk) this weekend. Daisy-Mae also asked to light a candle for ‘Aunty Wendy’ too. Evensong with the Cathedral Choir at 5.30pm every day – it’s about time I went after working in the City for 13 years. Old school mindfulness.

Lighting a Candle for Diddley.
“You’ve got to have a dream.
If you don’t have a dream –
How’re you gonna make a dream come true?”
Dear Bertie and Bobbie,
I loved reading about your visit with Kyla May to see the Dream Jars on The South Bank.
Like Kyla May, my minnows really enjoyed The BFG film – especially the whizpoppers. Then a few nights ago, Little Minnow told me that he dreamed that I was helping him carve out a safe cave, like the BFG’s, for him to hide in. He started big (Junior) school this week and so I think a safe cave is just what he needs at the moment 🙂
[…] So the future is for the grandchildren. They love coming to Granny’s house. (It never was Bobby’s). Last Sunday specifically for Sonny and Kyla. The latter already being the main feature of a blog. “Dreaming”. […]