Diddley’s Story.
Diddley’s Story.
This week we have a very special contributor. Diddley herself. In researching the forthcoming Cotswold stories, we found some papers that she had kept and, most importantly, a story she had written. It may be a rough draft? Who knows, but it’s worthy of sharing with you. I am sure she wouldn’t mind. As you can see, Diddley’s Story was intended to be sent in to Saga Magazine.
“Probably the Best Night of my Life”

Two poets. Frank, left. Laurie, right. Slad church. But who was the young lady? We don’t think it’s Diddley.

Frank with Diddley. 1975.

Frank and Sarah (Diddley’s beloved mother).
The box of memorabilia confirmed that Frank did indeed write astrological predictions for people.
Handwritten below for Sarah:
Typed for Diddley:
He sent Diddley his poetry. Sometimes handwritten, sometimes typed. There are lots of letters.

1948. Inherited from her mum maybe. See below in Lighting a Candle.

And finally, “Cotswold Ballads” was given to Diddley by Frank Mansell and signed for posterity on her 24th birthday.
This is a highly personal look at times gone by. All the characters once had beautiful lives, but they are just memories now. A poignant reminder of ‘Living in the Day’ and making the best of what chance brought your way.
Lighting a Candle for Diddley
I had no eyes to see
Nor any heart to feel, for gray
hay all the heart of me.
So dull a brute am I.
That all I saw was my own care,
Reflected in the sky.
I looked and saw ’twas so:
That all the land as Eden lay
and Oh, ’twas good to know!
The hedgerow berries shone,
And every yellowing woodland seemed
A joy to look upon.
With all that we hold dear;
We come back to the earth at last
And some find comfort there.
for sky and bush and tree,
As I found on that autumn day,
That you revealed to me.
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