Diddley at 60.
Our August season of anniversaries continues with Diddley’s birthday on 19th August. She would have been 70 this year. She left us four days after her birthday, five years ago on 23 August. But this is a celebration of life. Just like last week. Tributes to Diddley are listed at the foot but, for now, we will reprise her 60th Birthday spent in Harbour View Cottage, Whitby with her family. Oh how we loved those holidays in Whitby. Two weeks over five years with me and the grandchildren. Always in August for the school holidays. Always also the Whitby Regatta. What follows was mostly taken over two days 19-20 August 2010. It was to be a seaside birthday with all the trimmings. Everyone was asked to send seasidy birthday cards. We had music, bunting, rude post cards, balloons and a very special birthday cake designed by Bobby and made by E Botham, the best bakers in Yorkshire. We made china on the wet day. Went out on a speed boat on the dry one. And the famous yellow boat in the evening. It’s hard to believe that ten years has slipped by.
Arriving in Whitby.
You couldn’t park outside the cottage and had to stop down the hill and quickly transfer the luggage to the cottage. Once inside, Diddley was intent on sorting out the bedrooms. The sun shone. “Can we go to the beach?” and off they went in the clothes they had travelled in. And they jumped in the sea, with Bobby up to his shins with his camera.

A Wedding party came down to the beach and here is Ayla and Layla posing as soggy bridesmaids.

Not satisfied with that, they returned later in the day with their cossies.

We went to Botham’s bakers to pick up the special cake we had ordered.
19 August 2010. Diddley is 60 today.

Morning has broken on a glorious day. Here is the view from the cottage.

The post cards. Poster size. Still got them.

Down to the speedboat “Velocity”.

“Velocity” with Whitby Lifeboat.

Just one half of the swing bridge open for a yacht.

Birthday afternoon. A ride on the famous yellow boat. Here comes the equally famous pirate ship.

On the yellow boat.

The famous yellow boat. The “Esk Belle II”.
The Next Day.
Was cloudy. A storm was coming…

Layla had the whole of Whitby Beach to herself.

Here comes the rain.

Any moment now the heavens will open.

So off we went to the pottery shop. (see the plaque Bobby is painting).

The end of the storm. Taken from the cottage.

I’ll never forget those holidays in Whitby.
Lighting a Candle for Diddley.

And here is that plaque painted on a rainy day in Whitby ten years ago.
How lovely to hear Di’s voice and her joy upon seeing the cake. Thinking of you Bobby, Jasmine, Layla, Sonny and Kyla. Lots of love xxx
Thank you
Thank you for sharing those good times in Whitby. I love Whitby too, and it was such a joy to see and hear Di and your grandchildren having such a great time all those years ago.
How very beautiful. From a chance encounter at the Wetlands, what a privilege.
Best wishes
Thank you Ramona. It was lovely to meet you and the children. Those friendly nene Hawaiian geese will be on the blog in s couple of weeks