Small Talk Saves Lives.
Small Talk Saves Lives. Hasn’t it been a wonderful autumn! Here in the Surrey Hills that surround Laurel Cottage, the beech trees take your breath away. But, as I write this, the temperature is dropping, the wind gathering, followed by the leaves. Or as Eva Cassidy sang… The falling leaves Drift by my window The…
A Great Success (Over GAD).
A Great Success! Gor blimey … ere we go again. We were going to tell you about our latest trip to “ee by gum country”. But, instead, his mind has been hijacked, and he wants you to know about his Great Success. Just over a week ago. What I am about to tell you, with…
GAD Update: Out of the Darkness.
Out of the Darkness. Into the light… Relax, cheer up, it’s a big day. Bobby came out… (more than one way)
A Day in the Life of GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder).
GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder). PS… Is “postscriptum”, written after. A letter, maybe, or on this case, a blog. This PS was written after the story that follows. The story of Bobby’s battle with mental health. Written a few days before Prince Harry revealed to the world’s media that he too had suffered mentally years after his mother,…