Bob: One year on
One year on

Another lifetime: Me at a family party at his first house in Dorking. Picture found amongst thousands that Bobby left.
Today is a sad day and a special day. Sad because it’s been a year since we lost Bobby. Special because it gives us an opportunity to reflect on how lucky we were to have the crazy big man in our lives. I love my new family and life by the sea, but I miss Bobby every day. His son, Andrew, talks to me every day, which is nice – he tells me he misses Bobby lots too. The cats don’t say a lot, but they are some company at least and always good to share a decent afternoon nap with.
How can it possibly be a year?
I know from Andrew it’s been a challenge in lots of ways. He told me he still starts to ring Bobby from his car every day on his way home, just as he did before. And Laurel Cottage was so full of stuff, all of which was emotional to move, and selling houses has never been easy, particularly a quirky old cottage. At the least one day soon, when it is all sorted, the four charities that Bobby left money to will eventually benefit lots.
There are plans for a gathering at Di’s bench and a walk with the butterflies on Ranmore in the Spring. But all in good time. Bobby had reached a point in his life where he recognised that sometimes things can’t be rushed just take time, even if he himself was never able to slow down. He was the ultimate in not following his own advice but equally good at dishing it out to whoever would listen. But at the same time it was Bobby and we loved him for it.
So for now, let’s forget time passing, and just take time to remember Bobby, and everything fun and crazy and interesting and eccentric that he was.
Miss you Bobby. Every day.
So bonkers, so kind, funny and just the best friend we could ask for.
If this last year has been tough for Bobby’s friends, we can’t begin to imagine what it’s like for you Bertie, Andrew and all your family. Bobby is an impossible void to fill.
Lots of love. We’re thinking of you.xx
Hello I’m not sure how l found this but I was looking online for an old dear friend I had when I was growing up ,Amber Rowlands.
Was she your aunty?