The Darling Buds of May at Laurel Cottage

Posted on 29/05/2022 By

The man is the book; the book is the man. This incontestable truth, which I often repeat to myself, I claim to be as true of gardens as it is of authors and their books. As a man is, so is his garden. He is a reflection of it. And it of him. For this…

Lily of the Valley

Posted on 22/05/2022 By

When Estelle (a mindfulness teacher friend of Bobby’s) gave Bobby that single stem of Lily of the Valley, she could never have imagined what memories she would unlock from his far off young days.

A Very Special Night Indeed

Posted on 15/05/2022 By

Special Night Back in April, Bobby had been to his lunchtime Al-Anon meeting in Islington. The sun shone and he caught a 205 bus to pursue further peace and serenity in the Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park. Intending to turn his phone off, it bleeped nevertheless. The Bobbys of this world are compelled to look, of…

Are You An Explorer?

Posted on 08/05/2022 By

Explorer “Are you an Explorer?” the little girl asked. “I am” said Bobby. “And so are you.”

Flowers on the Coastpath

Posted on 01/05/2022 By

🌸Fl🌸wers 🌸n t🌸e c🌸stp🌸th🌸 🌸 Out damned spot I say. One two Why then is time to do’t. Hell is murky