Super Blood Wolf Moon.

Super Blood Wolf Moon. 21 January 2019. A very special extra mid-week blog. At 74 years and 360 days, Bobby has seen lots of things. The day before, he had learned there was to be a “spectacular lunar eclipse” the following night. A Super Blood Wolf Moon. “Super” (moon nearer and looking larger); “Blood” (looking…
Flirting with GAD.

Flirting with GAD. Bertie: “Bobby! Why are we sitting on this bench? It’s taters and freezing me bleedin’ nuts off!” Bobby: “Errr…where did you get that expression from Bertie?” Bertie: “You!” Bobby: “Ohh… Well, since you asked, I am flirting with GAD” (Generalised Anxiety Disorder)
Landscape Photographer of the Year 2018.

Landscape Photographer of the Year 2018. As we mentioned last week, this Landscape Photographer of the Year exhibition is on the balcony at Waterloo Station until 3 February. The last time we were there it was attracting a lot of attention. In the past, it was held upstairs in the National Theatre. This is the…
Contre-jour et Layla.

Contre-jour et Layla Bertie: “Bobby. We get lots of compliments about the photography in Mindfully Bertie. Have you got any favourite types you would like to share?”
The Christmas 50/50… 2018.

The Christmas 50/50… 2018. Happy New Year to all our readers. We hope you had a lovely Christmas. Once again, Bobby and I took ourselves off to East London for the holidays. Aldgate this time. He went back to Sutton United on Boxing Day to see them win! Up the U’s. We met Andrew, Marie,…