Amber. A Tribute.

Amber. Bobby: “How sad it is that two lovely, stylish, talented ladies died before their time. Amber at just 45. She had become a successful photographer in that cut throat freelance world. Fashion especially. Her distinctive style stood out when you read the colour supplements and other magazines that her mother saved with such pride….
A Trip to Brooklands.

Brooklands. On the top deck of a No 410 London Country bus, Bobby was presented with a dilemma. Sitting there with one eye to his telescope, he was surveying the parked aircraft at Biggin Hill Aerodrome. 1961. Reading the registrations out for his girlfriend to write in his notebook. Suddenly, she declared: ”I’m not doing…
When Little White Van met Little Miss Naughty.

Little White Van. This is the first ( and maybe the last!) story about LWV. Little White Van. The time he spent with Little Miss Naughty. As you can see, it is an alternative story written in the Mr Men book of that name. Scribbled in a Youth Hostel at Trefin when Bobby, in his…
Walking to Wintershall.

Walking to Wintershall. We walked to Wintershall on 23rd August 2017. Exactly two years since we lost Diddley. It is one of those places that we can talk about, but none of those involved over the years are here to talk about it now. The memories are Bobby’s alone. The National Garden Scheme (NGS). To…
The Wonderful Great Little Trains of Wales.

The Great Little Trains of Wales. The Great Little Trains of Wales are simply wonderful. They are everybody’s childhood dream of what a toy railway should be. They are Thomas the Tank Engine in miniature. They mostly have fascinating histories of bygone days, when the original purpose was quite different to now. Some are born…
A Tale of Gigrin Farm, Radnorshire.

Gigrin Farm, Radnorshire. One day in June 1966, a young lad of 22 got married. A few weeks later he set off on a big adventure. His honeymoon to a far off land. In his even younger days, all his adventures had mostly been by bicycle. Youth Hostelling round the south east of England and…