Two years without Bobby

Posted on 16/08/2024 By


Two years without Bobby

Today marks two years without Bobby. How can time have marched on so quickly? And yet the Big Man remains bright in our thoughts and memories, and I have no doubt he always will. (more…)


Bob: One year on

Posted on 16/08/2023 By

One year on

Bertie looking out of an upstairs window at people sat in a circle having a party in the garden. Remembering Bobby - one year on.

Another lifetime: Me at a family party at his first house in Dorking. Picture found amongst thousands that Bobby left.

Today is a sad day and a special day. Sad because it’s been a year since we lost Bobby. Special because it gives us an opportunity to reflect on how lucky we were to have the crazy big man in our lives. I love my new family and life by the sea, but I miss Bobby every day. His son, Andrew, talks to me every day, which is nice – he tells me he misses Bobby lots too. The cats don’t say a lot, but they are some company at least and always good to share a decent afternoon nap with. (more…)


A Special Day for Pondering

Posted on 26/01/2023 By


Bertie sat pondering on a stoney beach, wearing his Sutton United scarf.

Today would have been Bobby’s 79th birthday. I’ve been pondering on this day for quite a while, from my new favourite pondering spot on the beach near my new house. I wondered how I might feel when the day arrived. A little sad and rather befuddled, if I’m honest, as I miss Bobby’s chatter very much. But it’s also nice to have the chance to ponder on some fun Bobby stories. (more…)


Happy New Year

Posted on 01/01/2023 By

Happy New Year from Bertie!

Bertie, wearing his Sutton United scarf, with Pebbles (a tabby cat) curled up at his paws.

I was going to write a few words from the beach near my new home, where I often pop for a spot of pondering – perhaps my favourite thing. But it’s too wet and windy today, so I’m chilled out at home with one of my new housemates, Pebbles. (more…)


A Day at the Acton London Transport Museum

Posted on 28/12/2022 By

Not Bertie’s Day

Entrance to the Acton London Transport Museum.

Bertie: “You promised me. You bleedin’ PROMISED me! You promised to take me to the Acton London Transport Museum.”

Tim: “Yes, I know. I’m sorry. But it just didn’t work out. If I get to go again, then I’ll see if I can take you then. It was just unfortunate that Andrew was so busy arranging the Farewell to Bobby, and it just wasn’t possible to get you.”

Bertie: “Fair enough, but then you have the bleedin’ cheek to take another bear IN MY PLACE! Without asking! I don’t even know who this Charlie is. How dare you. Whose blog is this anyway?”

Tim: “Sorry, Bertie. No offence intended at all. I just felt it was important to have a representative of the Bear community come along. And, I think you’ll like Charlie. Let me introduce you.”

Introducing Charlie

Charlie the bear.

Charlie. Bear in a Chair. Ahahahahaha!

Tim: “Meet Charlie. I sort of “did a Bobby”. In the absence of you, Bertie, I needed a bear – not only to accompany me to the museum, but also for the “Lighting a Candle” photograph. So, we trawled around London, ending up in the Covent Garden market. And there he was. Couldn’t resist. Named him ‘Charlie’, in honour of our new King. Over to you, Charlie.”



Merry Christmas from Bertie

Posted on 24/12/2022 By

Merry Christmas

Bertie sat in front of a decorated Christmas Tree, wearing a Santa Hat and his Sutton United Scarf.

I am settling well into my new home by the sea. Bobby left strict instructions that I should be looked after by his granddaughter, Giselle, who is ably assisted by her two inquisitive cats, Pebbles and Bo (short for Mr Bojangles). (more…)


Farewell Bobby

Posted on 23/10/2022 By

Chief Mourner

Farewell Bobby: Bertie, as Chief Mourner, sat in place of honour on Bobby's coffin.

On Monday 10 October we said Farewell Bobby – Dad, Grandad, Great Grandad, Uncle and a friend to so many. It was a wonderful send off that he would have wholly approved of, full of tears, but also of warmth, smiles and laughter too.

Andrew (Bobby’s son) made sure that it was a celebration of Bobby’s life. (more…)


Bob Ball

Posted on 14/09/2022 By

Salzburg: ... and Bobby does all the leg work.

Bob, with Bertie, in Austria.

Bob sadly and unexpectedly passed away on Tuesday 16 August 2022, aged 78. He was a much loved Great Grandad, Grandad and Dad. (more…)


Her Majesty the Queen

Posted on 11/09/2022 By

It is with great sadness that we record the passing of Her Majesty the Queen this week. No doubt a day that will remain etched in everybody’s memory.

We couldn’t let this momentous occasion go without our own tribute.

So, thank you Ma’am for your 70 years of loyal service. You will be missed. There will be no-one else like you.

This tribute is in Morrison’s, Brentford. No doubt Bobby would have photographed the one in his local Waitrose!

Floral tributes and messages of condolence in Morrison's, Brentford. (more…)


Another Perfect Day

Posted on 28/08/2022 By

Perfect Day

Hand holding a bunch of Sweet Peas

Sweet Peas

Today is a “Perfect Day” announced the presenter on Classic FM. It seems that nowadays every day is a special day. From Winnie the Pooh Day to National Cream Tea Day, the list is endless. But on Tuesday the 28 June 2022 it was a “Perfect Day”. Because 28 and 6 are “perfect numbers” and that day the 28th June is the only day in 2022 that has two. 28 and 6. (more…)

AustriaMemoriesTrees and Nature